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Tool Invocation Function

  t_text platform,
  t_list command,
  t_text stdin = "",
  t_text stdout_treatment = "report",
  t_text stderr_treatment = "report",
  t_text status_treatment = "report_nocache",
  t_text signal_treatment = "report_nocache",
  t_int  fp_content = -2,
  t_text wd = ".WD",
  t_bool existing_writable = FALSE)

_run_tool is the mechanism by which external programs like compilers and linkers are executed from a Vesta SDL program. It provides functionality that is fairly platform-independent. The following description, however, is somewhat Unix-specific (for example, in its description of exit codes and signals).

The platform argument specifies the platform on which the tool is to be executed. _run_tool selects a specific machine for the given platform. The legal values for platform and the mechanism by which a machine of the appropriate platform is chosen are implementation dependent.

The tool to be executed is specified by the command argument. This argument is a t_list of t_text values. The first member of the list is the name of the tool (interpretation of the name is discussed below); the remaining members of the list are the arguments passed to the tool as its command line. The tool is executed on the specified platform in an environment with the following characteristics:

The _run_tool primitive returns a binding that contains the results of the command execution. This binding has type:

  type run_tool_result = binding [
    code   : int,
    signal : int,
    stdout_written : bool,
    stderr_written : bool,
    stdout : text,
    stderr : text,
    root   : binding

If r is of type run_tool_result, then:

Two fine points relating to the results of _run_tool:

  1. If the tool cannot be invoked--for example, because of errors in the parameters to _run_tool--the evaluator always prints a diagnostic and halts with a runtime error. However, errors that occur during the execution of the tool are reported in a tool-specific fashion, as discussed under "status_treatment" and "signal_treatment" above.

  2. If "report_nocache" is specified as the treatment for an output stream (stdout or stderr) or the exit or signal status, the evaluator will not make a cache entry for the _run_tool call if any output is produced on the corresponding output stream or if the exit or signal status is nonzero, respectively. In addition, none of the ancestor functions of the failing _run_tool call in the call graph are cached either. Since no cache entries are made, a subsequent re-interpretation of the model will produce the same output (on stdout or stderr). This can be useful for reproducing error messages from a compiler or other external tool that are displayed through the Vesta user interface.


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Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Timothy Mann, Yuan Yu