RunToolServer - the Vesta-2 server for launching encapsulated tools
The RunToolServer is the Vesta server process responsible for lauching tools (such as compilers and linkers) outside the Vesta system. It is usually run as a background process. It must be run as the special "runtool" user (usually with the login vruntool), which is specified by the repository configuration value [Repository]runtool_user.
The vesta(1) evaluator contacts a RunToolServer via Remote Procedure Call (RPC) whenever it needs to launch a tool. Tools launched by the RunToolServer are run in an encapsulated environment in which all references to the file system are trapped by the Vesta repository and recorded as dependencies by the Vesta evaluator.
The Vesta evaluator chooses which RunToolServer process to contact based on the build target platform name passed to the _run_tool primitive. Attributes of the platform and candidate hosts are looked up in the [Evaluator] section of the Vesta configuration file. The host on which the evaluator itself is running is preferred. See the vesta(1) man page for details.
In the event that a Vesta evaluator is killed, a background thread in the RunToolServer will kill any tools launched by such evaluators by sending the tools a SIGTERM signal. Normally, such tools would terminate on their own, but the background "child killer" thread is useful for reaping long- or infinitely-running children.
Like most Vesta-2 applications, the RunToolServer reads site-specific configuration information from a Vesta-2 configuration file named vesta.cfg. The RunToolServer first looks for this file in the current directory; if none is found there, it looks in your home directory.
The configuration file is divided into a number of sections, denoted in the file by [SectionName]. The variables used by the RunToolServer are in the section denoted by [Run_Tool]. Here are the variables and their meanings; the types of the variables are shown in parentheses.
- SRPC_port (integer)
- The port number on which the RunToolServer exports its RPC interface.
- server_max_threads (integer)
- The maximum number of tools that can be launched and running simultaneously by the RunToolServer.
- server_max_pending (integer)
- When the server_max_threads limit is reached, launch requests remain pending in a queue. The server_max_pending value specifies the maximum size of the queue before a tool request is rejected with a "server busy" error. Note that even when the server is holding some tool requests pending, it still responds to information queries.
- helper (string)
- Specifies the complete pathname of the privileged program used to launch a tool. The helper program must have root privileges in order to execute the chroot(2) system call. Currently, the helper program is named "tool_launcher".
- helper_switches (string)
- Switches passed to the helper program. The current helper program (i.e., "tool_launcher") understands two switches: -t (testing mode), which causes tool_launcher not to execute the chroot(2) system call; and -d (debugging mode), which causes tool_launcher to print debugging output to the standard output each time a tool is launched or completes execution.
- sysname (string)
- release (string)
- version (string)
- These values describe the operating system on which the server will run tools. They should normally not be set in the configuration file; the RunToolServer will get the correct values from the uname(2) system call.
- machine (string)
- cpus (int)
- cpuMHz (int)
- memKB (int)
- These values describe the hardware platform on which the server will run tools. They should normally not be set in the configuration file; the RunToolServer will get the correct value from the uname(2) and getsysinfo(2) system calls.
- sync_after_tool (integer)
- After a tool exits, issue the sync() system call the given number of times before returning control to the evaluator. The default is currently 1.
This feature is meant to work around a problem that may cause large tool output files to be incompletely written under heavy load. NFS is supposed to provide write-through on close semantics, but it seems that the Tru64 Unix kernel may only schedule the write-back to start immediately, not actually wait until it is complete. Or at least, this may be happening in the special case where a process exits and its files are automatically closed; its parent may be told that it has exited before all the data has been flushed through to the NFS server.
Even calling sync() does not necessarily fix this problem, as its specification does not guarantee that writes are complete when it returns, only that they are scheduled to be started immediately. Historically people have called sync() two or three times in an attempt to work around this limitation, but it is not clear that this actually makes any difference.
Also, sync() is expensive on a shared machine where other file writing is being done. Therefore, it may be preferable to set sync_after_tool to zero and instead modify tools that write very large files to call fsync() before closing them; or if the files are memory-mapped, to call msync() before unmapping them.
- coredumpsize_limit (integer)
- If set, causes the RunToolServer to change the soft limit on core dump size at startup. This limit is inherited by all tools started by the RunToolServer, so this value can be used to set limits on the ability of tools to create core dump files.
If set to zero, the core dump size limit will be set to zero, effectively disabling core dumps. If set to a negative value, the core dump size limit will be set to the maximum possible value. If set to a value greater than zero, the core dump size limit will be set to the specified value or the maximum possible value, whichever is lower.
If set, the following environment variables can be used for debugging purposes. They cause the RunToolServer to pause at one point or another during tool execution, print the name under which the tool's encapsulated file system is mounted, and wait until you hit enter before continuing. This gives you a chance to cd into the encapsulated file system from a shell and look at its contents. If you modify anything in the file system, you'll get a non-reproducible build, so beware!
- Stop just before each tool execution.
- Stop just after each tool execution.
- Stop just after any tool execution that was terminated by a signal. The terminating signal is printed.
- Stop just after any tool execution that was not terminated by a signal, but did exit with nonzero status. The exit status is printed.
Roy Levin (
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