

vesta - Evaluate a Vesta system model


vesta [ options ... ] [ modelfile ]



vesta is the Vesta evaluator. It evaluates the model in modelfile. If no modelfile is specified, a default filename is taken from the Vesta configuration file. If modelfile names a directory, the evaluator appends the default filename. The .ves extension can be omitted in modelfile.

See the vesta-intro man page's Terminology section for definitions of terms, and its Name Interpretation section for an explanation of how model names given on the command line are looked up.


All options marked with *toggleable* have both a positive and a negative form. The negative form is the positive form with "no-" prepended to it. A few examples: -k/-no-k, -CLEAN/-no-CLEAN

Shipping Options

The following options can be used to ship derived files to a regular file system. By default, no derived files are shipped.

-shipto pathname
Ship the evaluation result to the directory specified by pathname, appending a log of the items shipped to the file pathname/.log. The -shipto flag must be specified if any of the -shipfrom, -s, -clean, and/or -CLEAN flags are present.

The specified pathname may be a file (rather than a directory) if the -shipfrom flag is given and specifies exactly one value of type text. In this case the specified value is shipped to the given file, and the .log file is not written.

-shipfrom pathname
Specify the component in the evaluation result to be shipped. By default, the complete evaluation result is shipped to the directory specified by the -shipto switch.

-s *toggleable*
Ship the evaluation result by symbolic links. By default, the evaluation result is shipped by copying. Note: these symbolic links point to derived files that are not protected from deletion by VestaWeed. Use this form of shipping with caution.

-clean *toggleable*
Remove the old contents of the "shipto" directory (including subdirectories and the .log file) before shipping into it. If the directory is nonempty, it must contain a .log file; this feature is meant to protect against inadvertently cleaning out the wrong directory in the event of a typo. If this flag is not given, the shipped value is merged with the existing contents of the "shipto" directory.

-CLEAN *toggleable*
Same as -clean, except that the directory is always cleaned, regardless of whether a .log file exists in it.

-hushship *toggleable*
Only prints that the evaulator has started and finished shipping instead of printing that it's shipping each file.

-log *toggleable*
Place a .log file in every directory that's shipped that records the shortid shipped to each file name. This defaults to on.

Evaluation Options

-result *toggleable*
Print out the result of the evaluation.

-maxthreads n
Set the maximum number of threads that can be run in parallel by all invocations of the _par_map primitive to n. Roughly speaking, this is the number of tool invocations (e.g., compilations) that can be run in parallel. The default is set in the Vesta configuration file; see below.

-k *toggleable*
When specified, keep evaluating even when the tool fails in a primitive run_tool call. Any other kind of run-time error (such as selecting a non-existent field of a binding) is considered fatal, and terminates the evaluation.

-parse *toggleable*
Parse the model only; do not evaluate the model. Yes, the negative version does both parse and execute in spite of being -no-parse.

-version *toggleable*
Print the evaluator's version number.

-mstats *toggleable*
Print memory statistics after the evaluation (but before shipping). Sample output:
Memory Stats:
  Total Memory Size        :  86M   (89735168)
  Resident Size            :  39M   (41304064)
  GC Heap Size             :  34M   (36044800)
  GC Total Allocated Bytes : 2.0G (2163721448)
  Garbage Collection Count :  244
"Total Memory Size" is the total virtual memory size of the evaluator process and "Resident Size" is the portion in physical memory as reported by the operating system. The evaluator uses a library for dynamic memory allocations that supports garbage collection. "GC Heap Size" is the portion of the processes memory which is used for dynamic memory needs (some of which may be free space at the time the statistics are printed). "GC Total Allocated Bytes" is the total number of bytes allocated dynamically since the evaluator started (including those reclaimed by garbage collection). "Garbage Collection Count" is the number of times that a garbage collection has been performed. The numbers in parentheses are raw byte totals.

Debugging Options

The following options cause the evaluator to print various sorts of debugging information.

-stack *toggleable*
Print the function call stack when a runtime error occurs. This is useful for debugging Vesta evaluation errors.

-trace *toggleable*
Turn on trace mode. At the end of the evaluation, print the function call graph for the current evaluation, including the cache hit/miss status of each function call, to standard output. (Note: the call graph below below any cache hits will not be included.) This is useful for debugging the caching behavior of Vesta builds.

-fsdeps *toggleable*
Print file system dependencies to the standard error output. Whenever an external tool touches a file in the file system, the name of that file is printed. This is useful for debugging the case when an external tool fails because the environment in which it was run does not contain enough files.

-evalcalls *toggleable*
Print to the standard error output all requests made by the repository in response to file system references by an external tool. The output generated by this switch is a superset of that generated by the -fsdeps switch.

-ps *toggleable*
Print the current evaluator process status right before it exits.

-dependency-check *toggleable*
Compare the dependencies detected dynamically to those recorded in the Vesta cache. When a function call results in a cache hit, the same function is re-evaluated. The dependencies are then compared, printing any differences. This option is most useful to someone modifying the evaluator, though it may also be useful to bridge writers as it can demonstrate subtle tool issues (e.g. recording dependencies on random temp file names).

-printtimings level
Reports on the wall clock time required to perform certain operations during the build.
  • none is silent
  • tool reports on the time taken by running of each tool
  • func reports on the time taken for user-defined SDL functions
  • detail reports the duration of various portions of bookkeeping performed in function calls and around tool runs. It is not yet implemented.
Each level includes all lower levels. The default level is none.

-timingfile filename
Sends the timing report generated by -printtimings to the file filename. If this option is not specified, stdout is used. If filename already exists, it will be overwritten.

-timing-regexp regexp
Specifies that timing information should only be recorded for calls that match a specified regular expression. This option can be repeated to supply multiple regular expressions. The string that is matched against depends on the type of call:
  • A user-defined function is formatted as "<immutable path>/<function name>(), line <line no.>, col <char no.>".
  • A model is formatted as "<immutable path>() (normal)"
  • A tool is formatted as "<thread no.>/<run tool hostname>: <command line> "

filename Specifies a file containing one regular expression per line (similar to grep(1)'s -f option). Each regular expression is treated as if specified by -timing-regexp. Blank lines are ignored.

n In the timing output for function calls, complex nested values of arguments to the functions are printed to the specified depth. Simple values are printed in their entirety. If this option is not specified, it defaults to 2.

-verbose-dup-msgs *toggleable*
Increase the amount of information included in messages about the supression of duplicate work in parallel. This provides more informaion than most users want, but may be helpful when trying to increase the parallelism of a build. See "Duplicate Suppression" below for more information.

Stop execution and print information about where each tool is about to be run. The evaluator will stop and wait for the user to press Enter.

Stop execution and print information about where each tool was just run. The evaluator will stop and wait for the user to press Enter.

Stop execution and print information about where any tool that was killed by a signal was just run. The evaluator will stop and wait for the user to press Enter.

Stop execution and print information about where any tool that exited with non-zero status was just run. The evaluator will stop and wait for the user to press Enter.

Using any of the last four options (-stop-before-tool, -stop-after-tool, -stop-after-tool-signal, -stop-after-tool-error) gives the user the opportunity to make changes which may affect the result of a _run_tool call. For this reason, any _run_tool calls affected by using these options (which in some cases will be all _run_tool calls) are not cached. Also, anything which uses the result of an affected _run_tool call will not be cached.

Caching Options

The following options control caching behavior.

-pk-salt salt
Modify the keys used to store and lookup entries in the Vesta cache by using the supplied salt string. The salt argument can be any string; it is not parsed in any way, but rather is used like a hash table key. This feature allows you to simulate having a private cache that is shared only among those evaluations with the same salt string. When using this feature, the evaluator will not re-use results in the cache created by evaluations with a different salt string (or that didn't use -pk-salt at all). ("pk" is short for primary key, a term which is explained below in the Recognized Pragmas section.)

-cache level
Specify the caching level. There are four different caching levels: none means not to use the Vesta cache; runtool means to cache runtool calls only; model means to cache runtool and model calls only; all means to cache all cacheable function calls. When the caching level is model or all, precise fine grained dependency analysis is enabled. The default caching level is all.

-noaddentry *toggleable*
Prevent any new cache entry from being added to the cache. This option is useful when one wants to reproduce repeatedly the same behavior of an evaluation in the presence of a Vesta cache. Note that this option is different from "-cache none" because the evaluator can get hits on existing cache entries when this option is used. This has two negative versions: -no-noaddentry and -addentry.

-cstats *toggleable*
Print cache statistics after the evaluation.

-cdebug level
Print cache debugging information. The relevant options (in increasing order of verbosity) are: None (the default), AddEntryOp, OtherOps, and All. See VCache(1) for more details.

Repository Options

The following options control how the evaluator interacts with the Vesta repository:

-autorepl *toggleable*
If any imported packages are missing in the local repository, this option causes the evaluator to try to automatically locate a copy in a peer repository and replicate it. (See vrepl(1).) Defaults to on. Use -no-autorepl to disable this feature. (When disabled, a missing import is always a fatal error.)

Recognized Pragmas

The evaluator recognizes three stylized comments, or pragmas. Two of them control how it caches calls of user-defined functions. The third controls how aggressively it will execute user-defined functions in parallel. The three pragmas are /**nocache**/, /**pk**/, and /**waitdup**/. We expect that these pragmas will be required only in bridge models, not typical client models.

When a user-defined function is called, the evaluator first looks to see if that function has already been evaluated with sufficiently similar arguments. If so, it gets a hit in the cache and uses the function result returned by the cache. Otherwise, it evaluates the called function and adds an entry to the cache for the result.

To do a cache lookup, the evaluator provides a cache key. The cache key is actually composed of two parts: the run-time values on which the function result is thought to depend, which together comprise the primary key, and the run-time values on which the function result may depend, which together comprise the secondary key.

By default, calls of all user-defined functions are cached. If the /**nocache**/ pragma appears immediately before a function definition, calls of that function are not cached. The /**nocache**/ pragma can be used if the work performed by the function is trivial and if the number of calls made by the function is known or expected to be small (preferably 0 or 1).

By default, the primary key is a combination of the closure value (i.e., the function) being called and the values of all actual arguments that are not composite values (i.e., not of type list, binding, or closure). If the /**pk**/ pragma appears immediately before the name of a function's formal parameter, the value of the corresponding actual parameter is also folded into the function's primary key, regardless of whether it is a composite value or not. The /**pk**/ pragma can be used to include a composite value into the function's primary key when the function's result is known to depend on the entire composite value.

The -pk-salt command line option allows you to combine an additional arbitrary string into the primary key of every function call.

By default, when multiple threads are executing the same function it may be executed multiple times in parallel. The /**waitdup**/ pragma will cause any threads after the first one that are about to execute a function with the same primary key to wait on the hope that once the first function adds an entry to the cache the later threads will hit on that entry. This pragma is placed similarly to the /**nocache**/ one. It will also control the execution of models if placed just before the opening brace. For models, the primary key is the immutable path to the model file itself. See "Duplicate Suppression" below for more information.

Duplicate Suppression

Aggressive use of the _par_map primitive function can lead to multiple evaluator threads doing the same work in parallel (e.g. running the same tool or evaluating the same SDL function). If a previous build had completed the same work and added an entry to the Vesta cache both threads could get a cache hit on that entry. The result is wasted effort in duplicate work.

To help you put resources to better use, the evaluator can pause any threads that try to evaluate a function call that is already being processed. These threads will be woken up after the first thread has finished the call. Once the first thread adds an entry to the Vesta cache, any threads that waited will hopefully hit on that entry.

Unfortunately, it's not possible to be certain that two function calls are identical before evaluating them. When two function calls have the same primary key, the evaluator guesses that they may be the same and makes subsequent threads calling the same function wait. To indicate the heuristic nature of this suppression, any thread that waits will print an informational message that starts with "Waiting on possibly identical" followed by either "model", "function", or "tool" depending on the type of evaluation that is waiting.

The _run_tool primitive function always waits when another thread is executing a potential duplicate. By default, a user-defined function or model may be executed multiple times in parallel. The /**waitdup**/ pragma will cause user-defined functions and models to wait when another thread is executing a possible duplicate. (See "Recognized Pragmas" above.)

Here are some examples of the default "Waiting on possibly identical" informational messages:

3/Waiting on possibly identical tool (6/... /usr/bin/g++-3.4)
5/Waiting on possibly identical function (program)
7/Waiting on possibly identical model
If a thread waited on a possible duplicate but got a subsequent cache miss, another informational message is printed:
5/Function missed after waiting (program).
This can indicate cases where waiting for possible duplicates isn't helping. In some cases, the solution is to include more values in the primary key (e.g. with the /**pk**/ pragma). In others, the solution may be to remove the /**waitdup**/ pragma.

If you want to identify more precisely where parallelism is being limited by waiting, use the -verbose-dup-msgs command-line option. This increases the amount of information provided about the possible duplicate. The above messages might then look like this:

3/Waiting on possibly identical tool (6/... /usr/bin/g++-3.4 -c -pipe -O0 -g2 Version.C)
5/Waiting on possibly identical function (/vesta/, line 812, col 12)
7/Waiting on possibly identical model (/vesta/
5/Function missed after waiting (/vesta/, line 812, col 12).

Configuration Variables

The evaluator reads site-specific configuration information from a Vesta configuration file named vesta.cfg.

The following values are obtained from the [Evaluator] section of the Vesta configuration file:

Gives one or more default model names to evaluate if none is explicitly specified. Multiple names are given separated by whitesapce, and are tried in order. (For example, if set to "linux_alpha.main.ves linux_ia32.main.ves .main.ves", if a model named "linux_alpha.main.ves" exists it will be evaluated, or if not and a model named "linux_ia32.main.ves" exists it will be evaluated, otherwise if a model named ".main.ves" exists it will be evaluated.) If not set, ".main.ves" is used.

Specifies evaluator command line switches that will be used on every run. These switches are overridden by any explicit switches used on the evaluator command line.

Gives the default value for the -maxthreads option; see above.

Newly created derived files that are strictly less than FpContent bytes long are fingerprinted deterministically according to their contents. Longer files are fingerprinted with arbitrary unique identifiers. The cost of fingerprinting a file's contents is non-trivial, but doing so allows for cache hits in cases where two evaluations depend on files that have identical contents but were created in separate evaluations. The special value -1 causes all files to be fingerprinted by contents, while 0 causes all files to be fingerprinted by unique identifier. (See the documentation for the _run_tool primitive function for more information.)

A tuning parameter which controls the number of file access callbacks from the repository simultaneously served during a tool invocation. A reasonable value is 4. There's normally no need to change it. (Note that there is no built-in default value.)

A tuning parameter which controls how hosts are selected for _run_tool() jobs. It is a scaling factor that is multiplied by the number of CPUs in the candidate Run Tool Host. If the load average is below the result of this multiplication and the RunToolServer is running no other jobs, the host is immediately chosen to run the tool invocation. (If not, it may still be chosen later if it's the least loaded candidate host.) If not set, it defaults to 0.75.

When a tool dies with a core dump, the evaluator searches the filesystem used for the tool for core dumps. (It can't know necessarily where they will be, as the tool could change working directories.) The evaluator will print information about any files with names matching this regular expression written by a tool that dumped core. If not set, defaults to "core(\.[0-9][0-9]*)?".

Threads created when using _par_map have their stack size determined by this setting. If your SDL models use deep recursion, you may want to increase it. If not set, defaults to 1048576 (1 MB).

When printing a text value backed by a shortid file (either as part of the result printed by the -result option or the _print primitive function), this setting enables printing the shortid as a hexadecimal number (in addition to the path normally printed). (This is probably only interesting to people actively developing Vesta.) This is a boolean configuration setting. If equal (without regard to case) to "yes", "on", or "true", or can be parsed as an integer that is non-zero, the hexadecimal shortid will be printed. If equal (without regard to case) to "no", "off", or "false", or can be parsed as an integer that is zero, the hexadecimal shortid will not be printed. If not set, defaults to "false".

Can be used to enable paranoid double-checking of data stored into a serialized (aka "pickled") evaluator value to be added to the Vesta cache. Currently only two settings are recognized: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled). (It's disabled by default.) In the future, other higher values might be added for greater levels of paranoid checking. This should be totally unnecessary as it simply reads back data encoded into a bytes stream (just integers at level 1). Unfortunately, we've observed a few cases where the evaluator seems to have encoded the wrong integer which causes problems later when another evaluator gets a cache hit on the bad entry. (This could happen if you have a large number of clients and some have flaky hardware.) Turning this on may prevent such incorrectly written entries from making it into the cache.

If set, the value replaces [Repository]metadata_root in the target of symlinks created when shipping with the -s flag. This could be used with an alternative method of distributing build results to client hosts. Note that [Repository]sid_dir and the path for the shortid made up of hex digits will be appended to this when forming the symlink target. For example, if symlink_sid_root is set to "/foo/bar" and [Repository]sid_dir is set to "sid" (as it typically is), the the link target for shortid 0xa1b2c3d4 would be "/foo/bar/sid/a1b/2c3/d4".

The following values are obtained from the [CacheServer] section of the Vesta configuration file:

See VCache(1).

See ChkptCache(1).

The following values are obtained from the [Repository] section of the Vesta configuration file:

See repository(8).

The following values are obtained from the [Run_Tool] section of the Vesta configuration file:

The default port at which to contact the RunToolServer. (See the next section.)

Maximum number of seconds that the evaluator will wait for a response from a RunToolServer when getting information about its configuration (OS, architecture, etc.) and number of allowed and currently running tools. This allows the evaluator to give up and move on to another candidate host if one is very slow in responding. Defaults to 120 seconds (2 minutes). (Note that this timeout only applies after a connection is established, and is only provided to guard against misbehaving or overloaded peers.)

See also the next section.

Runtool Host Selection

When the _run_tool primitive is invoked to run an external tool, the evaluator must choose a specific host machine to run the tool on. To do so, it first looks up the platform argument in a correspondingly named section of the Vesta configuration file, [platform]. This section describes the platform type by giving a list of characteristics that a host machine of this type must have, and it includes a list of candidate hosts to try. The evaluator searches the list for a host that matches the description and is not too heavily loaded. The following names must be defined in a platform section:

Specifies the name of the operating system, as returned by the uname(2) system call in the sysname field. The given value can be a glob(3) pattern (a pattern using *, ?, and [] characters as in shell filename matching). Typical values are "OSF1" for Tru64 Unix, or "Linux" for Linux.

The release of the operating system, as returned by the uname(2) system call in the release field. This value can be a glob(3) pattern. Typical values are "V[45].0" to match either Tru64 Unix 4.0 or 5.0, or "2.4.*" to match any 2.4-series Linux kernel.

The minor version number of the operating system, as returned by the uname(2) system call in the version field. This value can be a glob(3) pattern. Typically "*" is used in this field, as the OS minor version number is not usually significant in choosing a machine to run tools on.

The type of processor, as returned by the uname(2) system call in the version field. This value can be a glob(3) pattern. Typical values are "alpha" to select an Alpha processor, or "i?86" to select an Intel x86 processor.

The minimum number of CPUs present. Use 1 if a uniprocessor is acceptable.

The minimum CPU clock speed, in megahertz. Typically set to 0, but you can specify a larger number if only machines of at least a certain speed are acceptable.

The minimum number of kilobytes of physical memory. Typically set to 0, but you can specify a larger number if only machines with at least a certain amount of memory are acceptable.

A list of candidate hosts to try, separated by spaces. Hosts are specified as either hostname, or hostname:port. If the port is not specified, it defaults to the standard RunToolServer port, given in section [Run_Tool], value SRPC_port. There must be a RunToolServer(1) at the given port on each host; if not, the evaluator prints a warning and drops the host from the list. The evaluator also prints a warning if a host on the list does not match the platform description.

If the first hostname is the string "localhost", the local host will always be considered first. If the string "localhost" appears elsewhere in the list, the local host will be considered but not given any special preference. If the string "localhost" does not appear, the local host will be used only if its name appears explicitly. If the same host appears twice (in particular, if it appears both as "localhost" and under its own name), the duplicates are eliminated.

By convention, the following target platform names are normally used:

An Alpha machine running version 4.0x of the Digital Unix (aka Compaq/HP Tru64 Unix) operating system

An Alpha machine running Linux

An Intel 386 or higher running Linux

An Intel 686 or higher running Linux

A PowerPC running Linux

A Sparc running Linux

Tools That Dump Core

The evaluator provides a little extra help if a tool's exit status indicates that it produced a core dump. If this happens, the evaluator will search the filesystem used for the tool for any core dumps. (It can't know necessarily where they will be, as the tool could change working directories.) For any files with names matching the regular expression specified with the [Evaluator]core_dump_regexp configuration variable, the evaluator will print a message like this:

3/Possible core file: /.WD/core.1234
3/at /vesta-srv/sid/abc/def/12
The path on the first line is the location where the core file was written during the tool execution. (This is mostly for informational purposes, as the temporary filesystem for the tool invocation will be deleted shortly after this message is printed.) The path after "at" is the location where the written core file can be accessed directly from the repository's storage area.

Environment Variables

If set, the DEBUG_TOOL_DIR_SERVER environment variable can be used for debugging purposes. It causes the evalutor to display extra information that can be helpful in intercepting and understanding the traffic between the evaluator and the repository. There are two kinds of information printed when this environment variable is set:

See Also

vmake(1), repos-ui(1), VCache(1), repository(8), RunToolServer(1), vesta.cfg(5), vrepl(1)


Yuan Yu and Jim Horning

This page was generated automatically by mtex software.