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FuncCall   ::= Primary Actuals
Actuals    ::= ( Expr*, )


The function call mechanism provides special treatment for the identifier consisting of a single period, called the current environment and pronounced dot. Dot is typically assigned a binding that contains the tools, switches, and file system required for the rest of the build. The initial environment, C-initial (see Section A.3.3 above), does not bind dot (that is, ``_defined(C-initial, ".") == false'').

When a function is called, the context in which its body executes may bind ``.'' to a value established as follows:

Thus, the binding for ``.'', if any, is passed through the dynamic call chain until it is altered either explicitly by an Assign statement (Section A.3.3.9) or implicitly by calling a function with an extra actual parameter. The pseudo-code shown in Table A.8 makes this precise. In this code, the comparison with $\langle\mbox{emptyExpr}\rangle$ has not been formalized, but it should be intuitively clear.

Table A.8: Evaluation rule for FuncCall.
\begin{table}{\footnotesize\begin{verbatim}Eval( Primary ( Expr_1, ..., Expr_n...
...rform the following:
return Eval( cl.e , C1);

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Allan Heydon, Roy Levin, Timothy Mann, Yuan Yu