To-do list for vesta/release/12.pre13/8
Incorporate add-on std_env design into the main-line
.rpm/.deb packaging fixes:
- Make the Debian vesta-server package recommend
nis or libnss-ldap (as a repository server should be sharing user/group information with its clients)
nfs-kernel-server (as a repository server should be sharing /var/lib/vesta with its clients)
ntp-server (as a repository's clients' clocks should be kept in sync with the server's)
Make /usr/sbin/ help the user set up [UserInterface]ForeignParent. Now that both vcheckout and vbranch have the -F flag, this is quite useful.
Make the vesta-common RPM not try to created /var/lib/vesta as an empty directory. (The directory should be owned/created by vesta-server.)
Get vfindmaster in the .rpm/.deb packages and generally solve the problem of accidentally leaving some things out of the installable packages
Make sure that root rather than vadmin owns /etc/vesta/initconfig and all the startup scripts in etc/init.d
Fix typo ("isntalled") in message from post-install script telling the user to run
Make generate a repository export file which works if the server hostname is a CNAME (i.e. reverse-mapping won't get that hostname)
- Make the Debian vesta-server package recommend
Changes to try and finally fix the hang caused by suspended evaluators:
- Uses a single boolean per volatile directory tree to indicated when the evaluator is dead (rather than one per individual directory)
Drops the defaults for [Repository]EvaluatorDirSRPC_read_timeout, [Repository]VestaSourceSRPC_read_timeout, and [Repository]ShortIdSRPC_read_timeout from 1 hour to 5 minutes
srpc/32 honors the read timeout even if poll(2) fails with EINTR or EAGAIN
Add "+ypbind" to the "Required-Start:" line in the init scripts so that machines which get their accounts via NIS will have them before starting the servers.
RFE: Agreement checker
Fix the missing setuid bits in the Debian packages on /usr/sbin/tool_launcher and /usr/bin/vesta
Set [Evaluator]server_max_pending to "auto" in /var/lib/vesta/base.vesta.cfg