To-do list for vesta/release/13
(Nothing left!)
RFE: vdiff command
- Release final _findre
After switching to pcre (and verify that it produces consistent results across many CPU architectures and OSes), _findre was incorporated into vesta/release/12.pre13/13
- Installable SWIG interfaces
- Updated to Boehm gc 6.8
- Make main-line code compatible with gcc 4
We made a pass at preapring a std_env for Fedora Core 6 but ran into problems due to some sort of incompatibility with older kernels.
Instead we made a Debian testing std_env in /vesta/
Incorporate add-on std_env design into the main-line
RFE: Agreement checker
RFE Have evaluator replicate in missing imports
Note: new related bug: Evaluator continues after failed replication
Promoted branch vesta/eval/66.parmap_segfault to vesta/eval/71
Fixes bug Evaluator seg faults after error during _par_map, but the tracker entry is still open for a little additional work I want done.