John's Ideal std_env example (could be addon)

This is very BridgelessVesta-y

My goal with the below is that your average unix programmer, after reading and playing w/ the example below, in 1 hour, could achieve a productivity in vesta nearly equal to what he has outside of vesta.

This example assumes that a vesta support person has already set everything up.

I have a similar example coming if i have time about adding my own component.

My problem is that from the very beginning, this is the spec i've had in my head. I haven't learned anything that suggests that the example below is undoable. And i've never been able to get the std_env nor addon system to match this. I find it difficult to let go of my simplistic view of the ideal, and so i always get tripped up on reality.


    srcs = srcs;
from /vesta/ import
// or it could be called 'addons' something
    // these should all be names that match what most unix users would guess
    components = <"perl", "grep", "csh", "gcc", "gcc.3.4.2">;
    // gcc is whatever is default in std_env/9
    // gcc.3.4.2 is specific, assuming available in std_env/9

    // or maybe even:
    components = ./std_env/typical;
    // or even
    components = ./std_env/all;
    // with the first version being like 'custom'
    // it's not a coincidence that these terms look like an install screen
    // in fact, perhaps that's the right metaphor here

    . ++= std_env/env_build(components,pkg_ovs);

    . ++= [ proj/foo/people/jvkumpf/vesta_tmp = srcs ];

    // srcs contains foo.c

    compil.csh = "grep replace_me foo.c;\n"
               + "set grep_stat = $status;\n"
               + "if $grep_stat then\n"
               + "   echo fixing replace_me\n"
               + "   mv foo.c{,.orig}\n"
               + " < foo.c.orig > foo.c\n"
               + "endif\n"
               + "gcc foo.c\n"
    . ++= [ proj/foo/people/jvkumpf/vesta_tmp = compil.csh ]; = "#!/usr/bin/perl -lwp\n"
           + "s/replace_me/fixed_string/\n"
    . ++= [ proj/foo/people/jvkumpf/vesta_tmp = ];

    root_changes = _run_tool(./target_platform,
                             <"csh", "-c", "compil.csh", >
                             // ...
    foo.o = root_changes/proj/foo/people/jvkumpf/vesta_tmp/foo.o;
    return foo.o;