User Impressions
Downloaded the latest files for my configurations: 3 rpms, plus 3 tars, for RHEL4, i386.
vestarpms> sudo rpm -i vsrun-1.4-1gcc3.4.i386.rpm vestarpms> sudo rpm -i vesta-common-2.1.12.pre13.9-1gcc3.4.i386.rpm useradd: cannot create directory /home/vadmin useradd: cannot create directory /home/vwizard useradd: cannot create directory /home/vruntool useradd: cannot create directory /home/vforeign error: %pre(vesta-common-2.1.12.pre13.9-1gcc3.4.i386) scriptlet failed, exit status 12 error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping vesta-common-2.1.12.pre13.9-1gcc3.4
The problem is that /home is automounted for NIS users. I am more likely to want to create local users for now. Maybe I can just run this part by hand, e.g.:
sudo useradd -c "Vesta Admin" -d /local/vadmin -g 50 -m -n -s /bin/bash -u 502 vadmin
...something like that, in order not to clash.
Before trying it, I'll read a bit more. This was merely to show some activity, after having made a question, and received a reply. Thanks.
If the users already exist the RPM scripts will not try to create the users. They also create a couple groups, so make sure the users are in the groups correctly. --ScottVenier
Yes... I thought so, but I couldn't find what groups... Maybe I can try to read the install scripts from the rpm?
OK. Found it. The group creation had succeeded, and found some free gid's: 23333 and 23334.
For the uid's, I had to find holes in both /etc/passwd and ypcat passwd | cut -d: -f3 | sort -n, thus non-contiguous...
vestarpms> rpm -qp --scripts vesta-common-2.1.12.pre13.9-1gcc3.4.i386.rpm vestarpms> sudo useradd -c "Vesta administrator" -d /local/vadmin -g vadmin -m -n -u 502 vadmin vestarpms> sudo useradd -c "Vesta wizard" -d /local/vwizard -g vadmin -m -n -u 503 vwizard vestarpms> sudo useradd -c "Vesta runtool user" -d /local/vruntool -g vadmin -m -n -u 490 vruntool vestarpms> sudo useradd -c "Vesta foreign user" -d /local/vforeign -g vforeign -m -n -u 492 vforeign vestarpms> sudo rpm -i vesta-common-2.1.12.pre13.9-1gcc3.4.i386.rpm vestarpms> sudo rpm -i vesta-server-2.1.12.pre13.9-1gcc3.4.i386.rpm