This page provides the closest vesta equivalent commands for common make commands. VestaConceptsForCvsUsers.

Vesta is a version control tool (like CVS) and a build management tool (like make) all in one, so see also VestaForCvsUsers.




make contains lines like the following called rules:

Vesta uses its pure functional language SDL to express dependencies like this:

target : sources

target = build_func(sources);

to express dependencies, followed by lines of shell script commands which serve as instructions on how to build out-of-date targets.

where build_func(sources) is defined to contain the instructions of how to build target: build_func(sources){ commands... }

-options on the make command line

Since vesta wants every build to be 100% repeatable, no command line options are available for vesta (which would affect the result). Instead, you have to edit a file, and place options in there.

make commands run in the same environment in which make was invoked (ie, your standard environment), so your PATH , eg, is used

Vesta runs in an encapsulated environment, so nothing of your environment is there -- no dirs, no env vars, no PATH. Vesta uses bridges to populate this environment for you, but it's based on the versions of programs and libraries in Vesta, not what's in your shell, tho people try to keep the 2 sets as similar as possible.

make result files are placed in the directories specified by the Makfile

If you use vmake model_file -shipto dir then result files are placed in dir, which is similar. But if you dont use -shipto it appears your files are "lost." In fact, the results are cached [add link], so typing another vmake model_file -shipto dir before a "cache weed" [add link] happens will extract the files from the cache and output them to dir




