Who's Using Vesta?
This is a partial list of known users of Vesta. Feel free to add yourslef or your company to this list.
Intel uses Vesta on several micorprocessor development projects. They also employ two full-time software developers who work on Vesta. Vesta is important for them because microprocessor design projects involve multiple languages and tools and a substantial amount of source data. Being able to precisely repeat builds which exhibit particular bugs is very important. In geographically distributed projects, it's important to gurantee that builds behave the same across multiple computing environments.
Brookhaven National Labs uses Vesta for developing the software for embedded systems used in the instrumentation of some of their scientific experiments.
Mind Candy Design uses Vesta for developing complex web sites with multiple authors that need to be vetted before going live. They have a very cool system that uses wildcard DNS entreis and Apache magic to map the hostname portion of URLs into Vesta verison space and automatically build different versions of a web site on demand.